Buddhist Activities
Retreats & courses, writings, and videos.

Buddhist Resources
Recommended reading, language
resources, lists, and more.

Dhamma Arts
Guitar music, song lyrics & poetry, and photos
reflecting Dhamma and practice.
What’s New & Announcements
* 13-23 Jun 2025 Gaia House retreat — Jhānas, Insight & Dependent Origination. Online. (registrations not yet open)
* 3-5 Oct 2025 Exploring the Jhānas, weekend retreat in north Wales. In person. See ‘teaching‘ page for details.
* 10-week ‘Morning Instructions for Serious Meditators’ — register your interest for the next group via email (see the ‘Contact & Support’ page). One weekly 90-min teaching session plus one weekly interview (either 25-min individual OR 55-min group interview). Dates TBC. Content is based on the morning instructions given on the 10-day jhāna, insight, and dependent origination retreat developed by Leigh Brasington.5

Claralynn R. Nunamaker
A person of many parts, Early Buddhist teachings and Pāli language study have changed my life, both on- and off-cushion. Experience as a field forester, a trainer in Nonviolent Communication, and also as a musician all inform my approach.
Originally from Illinois, I’ve lived in California, China, Taiwan, and currently reside in Wales (UK). Languages include Chinese (Mandarin), Pāli, and a bit of Sanskrit.
May you diligently endeavour (in a relaxed way) and your wholesome aspirations come to fruition!