Contact, Support, Subscribe


If you’d like to get in touch regarding teaching, Pāli, supporting your practice through phone or Zoom session, NVC, etc. please email

cnunamaker3 (at) gmail (dot) com



If you’d like support for your practice, please contact me about scheduling a zoom connection.

If you’d like to support my work, wonderful. What you give really does make a difference in the continuation of this work and deepening my own practice to better serve you.

   one-off: PayPal (use the ‘Donate’ button below)
      recurring: Patreon (
          non-financial: please email
To know about upcoming offerings, you can subscribe to the email list (1 email every 3-6 months).


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Email:   cnunamaker3 (at) gmail (dot) com


May you diligently endeavour (in a relaxed way) and  your wholesome aspirations come to fruition!